
What Kind Of Paint Can You Put On Top Of Resin

How to paint on resin

Resin tin be tricky to paint and very different from painting on canvas or woods, as you will observe that pigment doesn't cling to resin very well. Hither are some of my tips on painting on resin if yous'd like to add some colour to your resin crafts.

Tip i: The easiest way to pigment resin is to use a primer.

Primers generally come in three colors: white and black being most common and grey being a picayune more than challenging to observe. Selecting a primer colour by and large should be based on the color you plan to pigment on top of the primer. If you want to use darker colors, use a black primer. If yous're using lighter colors, utilize white primer. Grey or white primer is best if you're using mixed colors. I prefer using a spray primer, every bit it helps then that yous don't utilize besides much and change the wait of the resin. However, you can also use a paint-on primer.

When using a primer, make sure you utilise information technology in a well-ventilated expanse and use protective gear. Employ spray cans exterior. Protect the site you are spraying (I use aluminum foil) and let it to dry between coats. You may demand more one glaze of primer to cover the object entirely. In one case the primer has stale (follow recommendations on your detail primer), you lot can begin painting your piece.

Tip 2: Paints meant for plastic work best when painting resin.

I typically recommend using acrylic paint. Using craft paint, especially when yous're getting your bearings painting resin, is perfectly fine equally well. I've establish that synthetic brushes, specially Taklon and White Taklon, seem to work best for resin painting. If you want to add tiny details to your artwork, you may want to visit a model train store or a store that sells miniatures (like a gaming store), as they will sell paintbrushes with very, very fine tips. At that place'southward one out there called 'The Psycho' that I've used in the past. Imagine the signal on that 1.

Tip 3: When painting on resin, the key is patience.

If you're anything like me, once you get an idea, you want to become it out of your head and into the real world as soon as possible. However, when working with paint and resin, you're going to take to take your fourth dimension. Add your first layer of pigment, starting with the main color you lot plan to use. When doing this, dab the pigment on. Using a standard paint stroke will go out pigment streaks rather than opaque color. Don't add enough pigment to brand it opaque in one go. Information technology will take a couple of applications. Once your base color has dried, you tin can add together details to your painted image.

Tip 4: If you lot make a mistake or desire to try something out, information technology'due south straightforward to get paint off of resin.

If the pigment is however wet, it wipes away relatively quickly. You tin can use a damp newspaper towel to remove whatsoever residual or dried paint. However, before calculation whatever new color or resin, you must look for everything to dry. Using a paper towel to dry the resin can exist iffy since it's likely to add grit and other contaminants. A cloth towel or air drying works best. Fifty-fifty if you use a towel, let the slice sit down for a bit to ensure no moisture has been left behind.

Tip 5: When using pigment on resin, yous'll need to be careful not to scratch your painting, or it'll come off.

This is a plus and a minus in that you can pretty chop-chop correct any mistakes you've made. On the downside, though, if yous're using a pipette to apply your resin, you need to be careful not to permit it scrape your painted piece. I take non had any issues with paint coming off in the resin itself, and then long as it'southward given time to dry out. Even if you lot scratch the resin a bit when removing the color, information technology generally gets filled in when you apply another layer of resin (which you'll want to preserve your resin art).

Tip six: Fix your piece aside for twenty or thirty minutes between painting layers.

If you notice a mistake in your painting later on applying the resin, in that location'south not much that you lot can practise. In that location have been several pieces I've had to restart from scratch afterward finding that I've made a error in the layering order or something 'just doesn't expect correct.' Fix it aside, then, when you come back, if it looks okay, go on with adding your next layer of epoxy resin.

Tip seven: Allow your paint fully dry before applying a resin layer.

I let my paint dry for about 20 minutes unless information technology's rather thickly coated, which in that case, it gets a longer dry time. Once you lot can impact the paint without smearing it, it'south set for resin application. You may want to include pearls to create an air chimera effect, plants, etc., at this bespeak too.

Tip viii: If your painting requires directly lines or crisp edges, apply painter'south tape.

Pigment the epitome, await for the pigment to dry, then remove the painter'due south tape. Stencils or cut-outs may also exist helpful.

Tip 9: Use a bright light angled then that it'southward shining directly on top of the piece.

That usually helps me find any dust, hair, etc., earlier the piece sets.

Tip x: Leaving areas articulate on your resin as well leads yous to create some fascinating effects.

I have frequently used this to create depth in landscapes and fish that appear three-dimensional, despite several layers of flat paint. Abstract pieces tin can have a very unique and deep outcome.

Here are a few of my finished resin painting projects:

What else would you like to know near how to paint on resin?

Ready to endeavor creating with resin but dislocated by all the information out in that location? I get it — at that place is and so much out there. But, how can you lot perhaps read it all? It's why I wrote the volume Resin Fundamentals.  I share my fifteen years of experience with resin into the essential facts you need to know to make something extraordinary from the first attempt. Purchase the ebook now, and a link to download it arrives in your inbox in minutes.

originally written by Lynette Olnhausen

Unpublished Weblog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2022 Resin Obsession, LLC


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